How to Develop a Unique Style as an Architectural Artist
How to Develop a Unique Style as an Architectural Artist

Developing a unique architectural style isn’t the most natural thing in the world, even if numerous professors might tell you otherwise. Different people have different ways to achieve perfection and even own different perceptions of one.

If you’re looking to be perfect in an already existing style rather than attempt to develop uniqueness, no one can blame you. Different people like different things, and having different opinions from the masses is acceptable.

Numerous architectural styles were revamped and improved by thrilling individuals who have been looking to perfect what the old masters started.

But, if you’re a thrill-seeking young architect who is looking to think up something new, the process is going to be hard, but very rewarding in the end. An excellent architectural style can earn you a lot of recognition, and a lot of attention can give you more room to think of new things.

But thinking isn’t the most natural thing in the world. We’ve compiled a couple of simple tips to help you make a brand new, unique architectural style that is going to become your particular artist trademark. So, strap in your seat and make a pot of coffee; this is going to be a long journey!

Get Inspiration From Everyday Things

The most important thing about developing a unique style is your inspiration and the source of it. We’re going to get into the references a little bit later in this article, but this subsection is going to focus on getting it from everyday things.

A lot of different everyday things can serve as an inspiration to a stunning new structure. If you’re looking at ordinary things that you experience in your life, you’re going to be viewing them differently. Uniqueness is all about the view, and you need to ensure that your opinion is proper.

Stop looking at things as they are. You need to imagine they’re different things, compose them out of shapes, objects, numerical schemes. This new viewpoint will give you a lot of inspiration. Perhaps you’re never going to construct an impressive building from looking at an apple, but you might get some benefit out of it.

Every single occasion and object in the world has quite a lot to offer to the average architect. It’s all about inclusion and imagination. If you get inspiration from everyday things, you can integrate them within your design with ease.

Read A Lot

Another fantastic place to get some premier inspiration is exciting books. Whether you’re a fan of cult literature, or you’re more into fluff novels, books have a lot to offer to think architects.

Writers are artists as well and help the reader imagine the occasion that is going on in their work. The TV and Cinema artforms strip this from us, showing us everything on a silver platter. But the books will allow you to imagine things completely different than the artist intended.

Even if the writer has done their best to explain a building, location, or environment, the imagination aspect that lurks within every architect is sure to emerge victoriously. Reading a lot will inspire your future projects, even if you can’t see this.

If you’re too occupied with everyday life and everyday activities and can’t make time for reading, perhaps you should consider purchasing audiobooks. Audiobooks are a great thing and don’t take much effort to enjoy. While with an ordinary book, you need to divide a lot of time from your day, an audiobook or ebook can be experienced on the go.

It will let you catch up on your reading even if you’re doing something else. Driving, traveling, or just simply walking, the mental stimulation you’re going to get from ebooks is going to make your inspiration skyrocket. They also come with gorgeous ambient music, which will improve the experience by a marginal amount!

Let Your Imagination Run Free

Letting your imagination run free might sound a little cliche, but it’s much harder than a lot of people anticipate. Letting your imagination roam your mind isn’t as easy as sitting down and thinking your brain off.

You need to set the mood. Do things that you enjoy, and remember to rest a lot before you expect to get your next revolutionary idea. Remember the popular notion that the best ideas come when you’re taking a shower?

Well, if this is the case, by all means, take that shower! Draw inspiration from your imagination that you supplement through rest, proper sleep, and a positive attitude. Try to clear your thoughts and your minds, and pave the way for your deepest, wildest fantasies.

Not every single idea that pops into your mind will be okay. But the thing that people usually miss about bad ideas is that they’re rarely terrible. You can use any or many aspects of your lousy idea in your next revolutionary design. You’ll never be going to know how it looks if you don’t give it a shot, so don’t be scared - secure your imagination now.

Meticulous Testing

A great, revolutionary idea doesn’t come from inspiration. It comes from a continuous, malicious testing process. You will never know what your opinion is going to become unless you put it into perspective through a program or a drawing.

When you create something that you can further analyze, you’re going to start seeing the faults that are deeply entwined. Some people give up at this point, and this is the sole reason why they don’t succeed. You will need to test, modify, and re-imagine your project a lot of times before it’s finished.

After you finish it, you will need to test it again. You can give it to some friends and try to get their opinion on it. This notion brings us to our next point, which is:

Consult a Nonarchitect

Consulting a nonarchitect about an architectural project might sound a little bit silly, but hear us out. Asking someone who has absolutely no idea about what you’re doing is going to give you some critical feedback.

The difference between an architect and a nonarchitect is the mindset. The experience a nonarchitect is going to have with your project is going to be significantly different than yours. While you’re thinking about the geometric complexity of your revolutionary new project, the nonarchitect will have a consumerist, utilitarian approach.

That methodology is going to give you some critical feedback that you can use in your meticulous testing phase. Uniqueness doesn’t mean a lot if your product, or structure, is virtually useless.

Consulting someone outside of the trade is the vital step that many conceptual architects undermine entirely, which leaves their projects in the permanent concept purgatory.

Don’t Force It

You can do quite a lot of bad things when you’re working to create your next revolutionary project, and the most significant issue that people do is force it. You can never push art, and you never should force art. Creativity, creative drive, and the inspiration behind any architectural project should never be forced.

Quality is always over quantity when you’re attempting to create something unique. You should never follow any of these tips if you plan on forcing them. The imagination process needs to be free-flowing and needs wiggle room.

If you’re creating something, you should let it create itself. You’re just there for the journey, and building up your idea into reality. If you’re not forcing it, you’re effectively letting all of your creative juices flow. It will make for much more unique and high-end designs, which are most likely going to be unique.

Finally, Be Patient

A great, unique architectural style needs a lot of time to come to fruition. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your architectural style.

Architects have given years of their life to the trade ─ their style has only diversified and improved over the years. You can’t expect to become a unique architect in a matter of hours, days, or even months. If you’re an architect who is looking to improve, create a trademark, or refine your trade, always remember to give it time.