How to Sell Architectural Services During Tough Times
How to Sell Architectural Services During Tough Times

You’ll always face tough times when running a business, especially if you’re selling architectural services. Aside from competing with rival architects with portfolios to stack against yours, you’ll also have to deal with unexpected catastrophes like pandemics, economic recessions, and what-not.

So how can you keep landing architectural projects during such difficult circumstances? Check out the 7 tips below!

Maintain a Positive Mindset

There are things you can control, and others you can’t. You need to stop putting too much effort in the latter and learn to face adversity with optimism. So while trying to land architectural gigs during trying times, do your best to maintain a positive mindset.

To that end, you need to limit your access to negative information. Negative information usually increases during tough times. Many people will also take advantage of the situation to manipulate the news to their benefit. By focusing on encouraging and inspirational news, you can keep yourself uplifted and even prolong your life.

Additionally, make an effort to control your own thoughts. Difficult times will challenge you mentally, and it will be easier for negative thoughts to form in your head. So try to reframe any negative thoughts into positive ones.

Focus on Your Current Clients

It’s easy to assume your clients won’t want to deal with you during crises. But if you’ve already established yourself as a reputable architect, you should do everything you can to reach out to your current clients even more.

Focusing on the clients you have right now helps you build lasting relationships with them. Even if they don’t have any projects for you to take on, clients will appreciate your architectural expertise and guidance during tough times. And should any of their friends or acquaintances come looking for architectural services, you’ll be the first one they’ll recommend.

Employ Digital Marketing Techniques

Digital marketing and customer experience trends have become an effective means for architectural businesses to grow their firm and income. Notable tactics include maximizing social media use, creating architectural newsletters, and establishing a website. By relying on such digital marketing techniques, you’ll be able to get architectural services even during tough times.

Continue Prospecting for New Clients

While it’s important to build relationships with your current clients during hard times, that doesn’t mean you should stop prospecting for new ones. Yes, you’ll need to try harder than before to meet new people, but it will definitely be worth it in the end. Besides, many of your rival architects have probably given up looking for new clients at this point. This is a great opportunity for you to fill in the void and have them choose you instead of the competition.

Improve Your Sales Pitch

Should you decide to follow the advice above and look for new clients, one of the first things you must do is improve your sales pitch. To stick the landing, your sales pitch must be able to resonate with your target audience. Otherwise, you won’t be able to win over new clients for your architectural firm.

Action steps that can help you improve your sales pitch include doing preliminary research on the architectural industry, addressing the needs of your would-be clients, and highlighting your past successes as an architect, among others.

Rethink Your Goals

Difficult times means lower sales no matter how good you are at promoting your architectural services. To adapt to the current situation realistically, you need to rethink your goals.

But while you’re rewriting your goals as an architect, you should still challenge yourself to reach new heights. For example, invest more time in learning how to boost sales. You can also take advantage of various financing options to address the needs of your architectural firm. Additionally, you can identify opportunities in the architecture industry that will boom due to the crisis. Doing these things won’t just help you land projects; it will also put you in a better business position once the crisis is over.

Be Persistent, But Not Needy

No matter how good your sales pitch is, it’s almost impossible to land a new client after the first meeting. This is especially true during tougher times. Still, that doesn’t mean you should give up on them immediately. Be consistent with reaching them out. If they ask a question, respond to them promptly. In case they say no during the first meeting, ask if they want to receive emails and promotions from you anyway.

Persistence aside, you shouldn’t come off as too needy to your would-be clients. Otherwise, you’ll end up turning them off and rejecting your architectural services. Allow your portfolio and successes to speak on your behalf, and clients will naturally come to you.

Wrapping Up

Selling architectural services can be challenging even under the best circumstances. So you shouldn’t be surprised if you find doing so a nightmare during global or domestic hardships. By following the tactics listed above, you’ll eventually overcome any hurdles and thrive as an architect despite tough times.